Edilson Osorio Transparency vs Privacy Conflict – Democracy4all - Barcelona Blockchain Week 2019

The speaker, an information security specialist with over 20 years of experience, delved into the complex relationship between privacy and transparency, especially in the digital realm. As the founder of a Brazil-based company that initially focused on preserving intellectual properties and later evolved into an information governance platform using blockchain, he emphasized the vital role of blockchain in authenticating identities, signatures, and digital content.
Privacy Concerns and Its Importance
The speaker touched on various levels of privacy ranging from individual, corporate, and international, stating that privacy is directly related to information security. He highlighted how different regions across the globe show varying levels of concern for online privacy. Online banking and shopping were cited as primary concerns due to rampant frauds and identity thefts.
Public Perception and Surveillance Capitalism
The talk pointed out that public opinion has dramatically shifted in recent years, mainly due to scandals like the Cambridge Analytica case. This has ushered in an era of "surveillance capitalism," where data is not just collected but commodified and used for behavioral prediction and modification.
Transparency and Government Accountability
Contrasting privacy concerns, the speaker highlighted the role of transparency in holding governments accountable. He showed how transparency correlates inversely with corruption and suggested that privacy and transparency should complement each other, guided by public interest.
Role of Blockchain for Greater Transparency
Examples from Brazil demonstrated the power of blockchain technology in promoting transparency and democracy. His company was involved in several initiatives, from securing voting systems to preserving evidence in legal cases, thus showing the practical applications of blockchain technology.
The presentation concluded with a call to action to improve privacy and transparency simultaneously. According to the speaker, blockchain technology has a significant role to play in achieving these objectives, given its ability to secure data, authenticate identities, and provide verifiable transaction histories. The talk ended with an invitation for questions before transitioning into a panel discussion.
Video transcription
IntroductionI will waked after lunch is difficultsometimes but well welcome everyone andthank you very much for inviting me totalk about transparency and privacybecause it's a topic I like so much andI am working with that for a long longlong timewell I am a DOS oh no sorry oh but whois this guy talking to you today well Iam completely computer scientists and Iam information security specialist Iwork with that for more than 20 yearsand I have a graduation in copyrights onher high school and I'm I'm CEO andfounder of a regional my original my wasfounded in 2015in Brazil and at first we werepreserving intellectual properties afterthat we evolved the platform for iegovernance platform using blockchain andwe use blockchain for authenticatingidentities signatures authorizations atall and digital content well and memberof ISO I represent Brazil I'm leader inBrazil of security privacy and identityworking group and a member of you youblockchain Observatory blockII forum and this kind of thing happenedin Brazil I was very proud to talk anevent with this guy on a very importantevent over there well let's talk abouttransparency versus privacy and theconflict between them what happens is itPrivacybad is the privacy that what you thinkprobably probably release probably isnot because privacy is directly relatedto information security we can say if itprivacy's that the information securityis that as also and wellsome people are studying privacy in fourdifferent levels on individual levelcorporate level organizations a stagelevel and international level and andwell where are people concern aboutonline privacy this graphic this graphcan show to us people in Americas EuropeAsia and Africa there are some placespeople are more concerned about onlineprivacy that's probably the line IIprivacy is the key for changing the mindof people because they understand betterhow their privacy is being invadedsometimes and we have publicity it's noteasy to see but bricks is on top of thislist only where people are are moreconcerned and in America what the whatthey are concerned what do you worryabout online privacy online e-bankingit's very easy to understand because whythey are concern about privacy onlinebanking because there's a lot of fraudsthere's a lot of leaking all the timeand we have online shopping andsomething like stealing identitiesidentity fraud that that's where theprivacy is most important probably sopeople feel that better on those fieldsand this lady was the whistleblower ofCambridge analytical probably a lot ofyou heard something about and she sayssomething interesting to say privacydoesn't exist on a post Facebook crisisera and she suggests that we could solveour private data because selling willnot be so concerned about what theywould do with our data because we sawthatis it fair maybe we have a new kind ofcapitalism we have a surveillancecapitalism they are getting all of ourdata they are stretching they arecreating commodities with our data andthey are selling and the important thingthey are exciting people from their ownbehavior they are creating clusters andbubbles bubbles of knowledge bubbles ofthinking ways of thinking and they arecreating new markets on behavior forprediction and modification of behaviorusing all the information they aretaking from us well we are in the age ofThe Age of Privacyprivacy Niel is me why because we weknow it's impossible to stop that theyare taking our data for many years evenbefore Facebook even before Google butnow we understand better because theyare leaking our data so privacy we arevery concerned about privacy because ofthose big guys and well they arecollecting selling reusing your personaldata for a long time and is it too lateto stop that what do you think no no forsure we need to find the ways the waysare there we just need to use that weneed to make people aware of the waysfor protecting their privacy and theirown data it's very important and peoplejust don't know how to do that and thedoor to hall is the thing what they aredoing off with our data because they aredoing more and more and more andcollecting more data and transformingthe data they got in new datato sell that to peopleadvertisers and use that to us but Ihave nothing to hide some people saythat some friends of you you know thatit's wrong it's very wrong I have a lotto hide that's why I wear clothes if Ihave nothing to hide why I'm wearingclothes well this guy has a veryinteresting coach about that I'm gonnado don't care about the right to privacybecause you have nothing to hideit's absolutely same then saying youdon't care about free speech because youhad nothing to say and what you do toPrivacy Photographyprotect your privacy photographyphotography is the best way forprotecting your privacy today you canencrypt your connections you can encryptyour data and you can encrypt a lot ofthings but there's things that you can'tcan't encrypt yet for example yourmobile phone they have the GPS turn iton all the timethey get information about where we areall the time how to block that stop inusing our mobile the last version thelast update of iOS was good because it'sall good I was not sorry maybe it maybemaybe it's good but they have a newfeature so any epi who will questionsfor your location when the app is closedthey notify you and you authorize or notI think it's a big step for having thatcontrol or protecting you from that kindof still in your data where you are allthe time and I brought two cases of abig problem on privacy I will wear aboutthe the UK case they installed somecameras in the streets and they arescanning thefaces of every citizen who is walkingover there and some guy tried to notappear in the camera he was fine itbecause he protested against it and inChina what is happening in China withthe with the social score we need tobring that discussion to everyone is itfairit is not fair the government havingthis kind of information and taking theseasons off if you can't take the bus orthe train or having a line of credit isit fair GDP are everyone knows about theGPR over here but if you ask for yourTransparencygovernment to remove your excess of datawe do probably not and governments areunder GDP are not over and they haveaccess of data you know the data datathat could be deleted but these twousing the day or storing the data on ourown ways we don't know and that's why wetalk about transparency because when youtalk about privacy international lawsfor privacy they are internationalglobal but when we talk abouttransparency probably we are talking toour governments regulators it's localand transparency is very important tounderstand how they are handling ourdatathis map shows transparent governmentparentheses the darker countries theyare more transparent okay the lighterthey are less transparent and the nextone is corruption perception indexfrom zero zero is pitch dark and the100% is blue so less corrupted countriesthey are in blue but look this map lookat this map again again again theyoverlap so we have the perception thereal perceptionless transparency brings more corruptionto our countries to our governments tomake end it makes a lot of sense wellprivacy and transparency do not balanceeach other but complement each other andbig compliment right they complementeach other what we use to to havemetrics on how extent the thetransparency or how to extend the aboutthe privacy we use the public interestbecause public interest will drive howmuch transparency you have and how muchprivacy you will have the publicinterest must drive that information andnext one well to space protects privacytransparency privacy policies we canhave transparency reports we canfollowing highly do style standardsaround the world and the most importantthing it could be through socialsoftware regulation and coal regulationif you have the government you need thegovernment needs to talk to the marketto the people to understand how toco-create the regulation with nogovernments they have a very heavy handcreating regulations because they dofrom their minds and their minds arefrom centuries ago we need to changethat we need to work together andtransparency on international level theinput importance of rights we need toimprovethe knowledge on digital things from ourpeople we need to reduce the distaldivide by increasing the affordabilitywe need to promote democracy and we needto promote digital transparencytransparencies fundamental to protectpeople's rights we confer personal dataI collected the usage consulted orprocess it so what to extend thepersonal data's processes so to extendyour personal data will be processingand transparency is fundamental toimprove democracy about the case beautyin Brazil they use it a lot our engineerfor ident signatures and authenticationof documents for collecting signatureson public petitions in Brazil we have alaw if one percent of the populationagrees on a public position the Congressor the House of Representatives musthere it's very important and the thingis after this project for the first timeBrazilian government has approval tolaws that started front people andbecause they could prove the identity ofpeople signing that public petitions andit could not be frauded the laws wereapproved it's a big step on a governmentand everything can be algae Tabo becausewe use just political exchange for thatand because of that they were they wantthe global impact challenge fromgoogle.org and transparency isAccess to Justicefundamental to promote access to justiceone other example we created a tool forcollecting for preserving evidences ofharassment faking news disseminationdefamation and cyber bullying in Brazilfor doing that you need to go sometimesto the notary but notaries don't workawakensdon't work during the nights and becauseof that a lot of people are havingaccess to justice because they can provethat bad thing was on internetand last year a presidential candidatethe elections presidential electionslast year in Brazil and I came to date apresidential candidates uses that toofor preserving the government proposalsbecause other parties they fake it theyfraud the government proposals anddisseminated on the what's up telegramand social media so with that kind oftrue they could prove what is authenticwhat is not and we had a very importantdecision in Brazil in the court ofappeals when the judge he he told thiskind of thing in the decision from theknowledge of the facts the altarprovider provided the preservation ofall the contents of a blockchain througha regional my platform able to prove theveracity and existence of the contentsthis is a big step a very very big hugestep on blockchain in injustice becausethis kind of thing can bring the marketand other initiatives initiatives Idon't remember the term but they canhelp to new products new inventions newthings new projects coming and beenaccepted in the Justice as well andtransparency is fundamental toprotection of privacy we created thefirst protocol for security voting onpublic key block chains and we had theproof of concept to run in the whitepaper already said for some time ago andthat's why we were listed by UN as areal block chain use case doing socialimpact and we have the recognition fromEuropean Commission as a trustedblockchain application well and we useblockchain for transparency because wecan improve the democracy we can empowerwe can empower people and we arepromoting the access to justice for usall you thinkI thank your questions I think we havesome time for questions before thebefore the panel someone okay if there'sno questions I think we can start thepanel will be here